Amazon’s US grocery sales surged in Q1!


Amazon’s US grocery sales surged 30% to $350m in Q1: ‘Young men are the demographic most likely to buy their groceries online’

By Elaine Watson, 14-Apr-2017

As a percentage of the overall grocery retail market, Amazon’s $350m in Q1 grocery sales (annualized – that’s $1.4bn) is pretty small fry. But its mouthwatering 30% year-on year-growth suggests that CPG manufacturers that don’t have a clear strategy for how to engage with Amazon now risk missing out on big opportunities further down the road, says e-commerce data firm One Click Retail.

For the complete article, click here.

Daniel Karsevar, Founder & Chief Problem Solver at SOLUTIONTOPIA & is also a Mentor at TheBrooklyn FoodWorks and Advisor to many CPG brands. SOLUTIONTOPIA provides turn-key solutions, product development, and operational scaling solutions for food start-ups and national brands in the natural foods CPG space.